Published on 12 February 2015 in Campaign news
This week the various organizations of the International Coalition Against Blasphemy Laws (ICABL) launched a charter to clearly and concisely define our shared orientation on “blasphemy” laws, the policy that underlies the entire campaign to End Blasphemy Laws and the shared vision that unites us in working together.
You can read the full charter on this very website!
Eric Adriaans (left) national executive director of CFI Canada, John Hamill (right) coordinator of Atheist Ireland’s blasphemy law campaign
Though our organizations are spread across many nations, Atheist Ireland met with CFI Canada yesterday, representing two founding and pivotal members of the coalition.
They announced the charter of the new International Coalition Against Blasphemy Laws, and discussed how both national groups will work together as part of the wider campaign.
As Eric Adriaans, National Executive Director of Centre For Inquiry Canada said at the launch, “We defend and promote everybody’s right to discuss, criticise and ridicule ideas and beliefs, even when this offends other people. We have rights, our beliefs do not. We respect the right of people to democratically debate their opinion on freedom of speech issues.”
Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland said, “When we observed that organizations in Canada, New Zealand, and Malta were calling for an end to their blasphemy laws just as we are in Ireland, we knew that we had to work together to oppose blasphemy laws throughout the world. People around the world share a deep concern for human dignity and human rights. People can’t believe that their country has a blasphemy law – and they are appalled and ashamed that this law provides a cushion of reinforcement to some of most barbaric human rights violations in the world today.”